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NTT President Sawada appointed as the New Chairman of the Japan-U.S. Business Council


The Japan-U.S. Business Council (JUBC), composed of leading Japanese companies and organizations deeply involved in economic relations with the United States, announced a change in chairmanship and vice chairmanship on December 21. Mr. Nobuyuki Hirano, former chairman and special advisor to MUFG Bank, was succeeded by Mr. Jun Sawada, president of NTT. This was officially decided at an extraordinary general meeting of members held on the same day. His term of office is two years. NTT President Sawada, who was chosen as the new chairman, commented that, "The Japan-U.S. Business Council is leading the way in resolving the challenges facing the international community through strong approaches to government and society as a whole as well as collaboration between leaders from Japanese and U.S. business circles. I took this on as I hope to contribute to solving these challenges in any way I can."

Mr. Jun Sawada

Along with a change in chairman, six new vice-chairmen were appointed: Nobuhiro Endo, President of NEC; Kiyotsugu Izumizawa, President of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; Takeshi Kunibe, President of the Mitsui Sumitomo Financial Group; Tetsuji Ohashi, President of Komatsu; Yoshihisa Suzuki, Vice President of Itochu Corporation; and Kenji Yasukawa, President of Astellas Pharma. The Japan-U.S. Business Council holds the annual U.S.-Japan Business Conference with the U.S.-Japan Economic Council, its counterpart on the American side. From the standpoint of the business community, the council consults with the governments of both countries on trade and economic policies related to regions with which the two countries have deep ties, such as Japan and the United States or the Asia-Pacific region. The Council works to make joint policy recommendations to the governments of both countries and achieve common goals.

The members of the council are made up of individuals from around 75 leading Japanese companies and organizations that are deeply involved in economic relations with the United States. The secretariat is located in the Japanese Business Federation building.

This article has been translated by JST with permission from The Science News Ltd.( Unauthorized reproduction of the article and photographs is prohibited.

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