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Green Innovation Funding Program: Commencement of Project to Lower Cost of Offshore Wind Power Generation


NEDO (The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) announced on January 21 this year, that they will embark on a project to " Lower Cost of Offshore Wind Power Generation" (total budget of 119.5 billion yen) as part of the Green Innovation Funding Program. The aim of the project is to expand the introduction of green energy sources by reducing the cost of offshore wind power generation. First, in Phase 1, research and development will be conducted on 18 thematic elemental technologies targeting four fields such as next-generation wind turbines. The total amount of NEDO support is 34.5 billion yen (out of 119.5 billion yen). In addition to the empirical studies (Phase 2) conducted at the earliest after fiscal year 2023, they aim to expand the introduction of offshore wind power generation, mainly by floating systems, through early low-cost reduction.

In this project, the technology readiness of the offshore wind industry is relatively low at present, but long-term support will be provided to support areas where technological development progress and significant policy effects can be expected. Specifically, of the eight supply chain fields based on the "Technology Development Roadmap for Strengthening the Industrial Competitiveness of Offshore Wind Power," they will focus on "wind turbines," "floating system basic manufacturing," "floating system installation," "electrical systems," and "operation and maintenance." Thereafter, in Phase 1, they will proceed with the development of elemental technologies in four fields. In addition, they will implement a demonstration project in Phase 2 at the earliest after FY2023, aiming to expand the introduction of offshore wind power generation centered on floating type by realizing early cost reduction.

The name of this project is also the Green Innovation Funding Program/ Project to Lower Cost of Offshore Wind Power Generation.

The implementation themes of the four fields are as follows:
(1) R&D item: Phase 1 (1) is "Next-generation wind turbine technology development project" (NEDO support amounts to 15 billion yen)
(2) R&D item: Phase 1 (2) is "Floating system basic manufacturing / installation cost reduction technology development project" (10 billion yen)
(3) R&D item: Phase 1 (3) is "Offshore wind power-related electrical system technology development project" (2.5 billion yen)
(4) R&D item: Phase 1 (4) is "Offshore wind power operation and maintenance advancement project" (7 billion yen).
The implementation period is, in principle, up to 5 years from FY2021 for Phase 1 (1). (2), (3), and (4) will each take up to 3 years, in principle, from FY2021.

This article has been translated by JST with permission from The Science News Ltd.( Unauthorized reproduction of the article and photographs is prohibited.

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