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Hitachi pushing forward company-wide renovation with generative AI


Hitachi has announced that they appointed new "Chief AI Transformation Officers" as managers to push forward the AI transformation in each business field. The company has been proactive in using generative AI, which is rapidly evolving, as the engine to allow Hitachi to grow as a whole so that they can realize a rapid increase in their business productivity. Simultaneously, they have been promoting, through the use of generative AI, their AI transformation in and outside of the company, which is expected to generate new business opportunities.

According to the announcement, they assigned new managers to advance the reinforcement of their endeavors in the three sectors of the Green Energy & Mobility Sector, the Connective Industries Sector, and the Digital System & Service Sector. The newly assigned managers are Kimihiro Kaimori, Katsuhiro Samizo and Jun Yoshida, respectively.

The "Chief AI Transformation Officers" oversee collaboration and permeation in each of the sectors that correspond to the company-wide strategies for AI transformation. Thus, they lead each sector in the implementation of AI transformation based on their own business knowledge.

They will serve as the hubs of the relationship among the sectors. They seamlessly share the results of each sector's business as well as their techniques and know-how, accumulating their best practices and merging a wide range of knowledge. Thus, they will promote the creation of synergy and accelerate their endeavors in the company-wide project, which aims to use generative AI for the renovation of the company's processes.

To use generative AI and produce innovation, they will be coping with the reformation of their organizational culture; in other words, they will foster their employees' creative thinking and creative skills, as well as mind shifting, and they will also boost the understanding and permeation of AI transformation.

As professionals with high-level business knowledge in their respective fields, the three officers attempt to permeate the company-wide AI transformation strategies in each sector. Furthermore, they will make the best use of their business knowledge to improve the effectiveness of their project, taking the lead in using achievements such as the enhancement of productivity in each sector.

Kaimori is the General Manager of the Strategic Planning Office at Green Energy & Mobility Strategic Planning Division. He joined the company in 1998 and was assigned to project management at the Nuclear Energy Division, where he worked on a variety of projects ranging from designing to construction. After residing in the UK for five years and gaining more experience, he assumed the current position, leading the project to establish and implement the organizational governance that was supposed to enable global operation. Currently, he has been proactive in promoting integration and synergy inside and outside the sector.

Samizo is the General Manager, Enterprise Solutions Division, Digital Solutions Division, Industrial Digital Business Unit. He joined the company in 1993. Since then, he has consistently taken the lead in a large number of projects, including system development and introduction, as well as DX promotion in a wide range of business fields, including governmental organizations, the automotive industry, the medicine industry and manufacturing. Since 2022, he has led the total optimization from the standpoint of business management using products x OT x IT in the connective industries sector.

Yoshida is the General Manager, Data & Design, Digital Engineering Business Unit, and Head of Generative AI Center. He joined the company in 1998. In 2012, he led the startup of the AI/big data utilization business, advancing a large number of projects using AI and various data. Since 2021, he has been one of the co-leaders at Lumada Data Science Lab., coping with the acceleration of the Lumada business's expansion as well as the reinforcement of human resource cultivation. Currently, he is Center Chief, leading the generative AI projects.

This article has been translated by JST with permission from The Science News Ltd. ( Unauthorized reproduction of the article and photographs is prohibited.

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