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Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm begins operation achieving a domestic record output of 8,000 kW


Yokogawa Electric Corporation announced on February 15 that it has signed a contract with the Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm, one of the largest offshore wind farms in Japan, to provide remote control monitoring systems and video monitoring solutions. A maintenance contract for the delivered systems was included. Yokogawa Solution Service Corporation, a subsidiary of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, owns the Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm through Green Power Ishikari GK, which is a special-purpose corporation owned as a joint venture between JERA Co., Inc. and Green Power Investment Co., Ltd. Yokogawa Solution Service Corporation provides a comprehensive set of services for the wind farm. The services range from the design of a remote-control monitoring system − a system that is centered on the integrated information server (OpreX Collaborative Information Server) and controls the offshore wind turbines from the onshore facilities − to trial operation support for the system.

Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm (Source: Green Power Investment Corporation).
Provided by Yokogawa Electric Corporation

This wind farm, which commenced commercial operations on January 1, 2024, is the largest offshore wind farm in Japan and features the country's first 8,000 kW large-scale wind turbines. The integrated information server at the core of the remote-control monitoring system that has been delivered performs centralized management of information from offshore wind power generation facilities, onshore large-scale battery facilities, and substation equipment. The server employs Edge Gateway version AG 10 (for indoor), a video surveillance solution of Amnimo Inc. (another subsidiary of Yokogawa Electric Corporation), to execute centralized management of other types of information, such as information from multiple cameras installed on offshore wind turbines, wind turbine maintenance warehouses, and onshore large-scale battery facilities.

The amount of electricity generated from wind power, a renewable energy source, can vary greatly depending on environmental conditions. Based on information from the power company, the remote-control system provides information for decision-making that is needed to control the amount of electricity to be stored in the storage system.

In addition to the system delivered, Yokogawa Solution Services has also received an order from Green Power Investment for a system that will allow the real-time aggregation of information from wind farms scattered across Japan and the linking of that information to analysis tools in the cloud. Furthermore, using the DTSX3000 optical fiber temperature sensor, which is part of the OpreX Control and Safety System lineup, the company has begun a demonstration experiment to detect signs of submarine cable damage at the Ishikari Bay New Port Offshore Wind Farm.

This article has been translated by JST with permission from The Science News Ltd. ( Unauthorized reproduction of the article and photographs is prohibited.

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