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FUJIFILM Healthcare Corporation launch pharmaceutical IoT solution business


FUJIFILM Healthcare Corporation (Minato City, Tokyo) has decided to expand its business by taking over the pharmaceutical IoT solution business, which provides products and services related to drug auditing and identification operations, from FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Corporation (Chuo City, Tokyo), the core company of Fujifilm's pharmaceutical business. It started providing products and services on April 1. The businesses taken over include products and services that support healthcare professionals engaged in auditing and identification of drugs administered by pharmacists and nurses. These products and services include "PROOFIT 1DII (PROOFIT OneDoseTwo)," a single-packaging audit support system that utilizes Fujifilm's image processing technology, and "PROOFIT iQ", a next-generation drug identification system.

The Company is a domestic sales company of medical system products in the Fujifilm Group, providing sales, development, and technical services for medical equipment, medical network systems, and related software. Through these actions, the Company will expand the introduction of Fujifilm's drug auditing and identification support system by conducting marketing activities closely tied to the hospital and clinic market, leveraging the sales and service structure that it has developed.

"PROOFIT 1DII," one of the main products handled by the pharmaceutical IoT solution business, uses automatic determination technology to accurately determine the name and quantity of packaged drugs. The system has been developed and launched to support pharmacists in checking the type and number of drugs dispensed and to ensure accuracy and safety when these drugs are given to patients (auditing). It has been introduced to approximately 1,300 hospitals and pharmacies to date since its launch in 2019.

"PROOFIT iQ" also has a function that uses a smartphone to take pictures of medications brought in by hospital patients. It instantly identifies them with high accuracy using proprietary AI technology to reduce the burden of pharmacists and nurses and improve the accuracy of their drug identification.

The simple system configuration of an app, smartphone, and dedicated imaging table makes it easy to carry around and allows identification work to be performed anywhere in the hospital. In addition to data linkage with "PROOFIT 1DII," PROOFIT iQ also has a function to display the package inserts of the identified drugs and a function to convert the identified results into QR codes to be provided to electronic medical records, dosing management systems, and other relevant platforms.

This article has been translated by JST with permission from The Science News Ltd. ( Unauthorized reproduction of the article and photographs is prohibited.

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