Ph.D. candidates Takanobu Takenouchi and Yuta Iijima, Assistant Professor Kazuyo Ito, and Associate Professor Daisuke Yoshino of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology developed a flow cytometry cell and particle counting module that is easy to manufacture and costs only about 30,000 yen. The results were published in HardwareX.
The module was manufactured using two techniques: CNC cutting to obtain a precise three-dimensional mold and soft lithography to transfer the mold into silicone resin (PDMS). It can be assembled simply by inserting commercially available optical and electronic components into the body made of silicone resin, and it is also easy to maintain.
The module uses a red semiconductor laser (wavelength = 650 nm), which is available for several hundred yen, as a light source to irradiate cells and microparticles and measures the number of cells and particles by detecting the scattered light emitted by the cells or particles that pass through the detection area using a photodiode. Its accuracy of counting and particle size discrimination ability were evaluated using cells and two types of polystyrene particles (with diameters of 5 and 15 microns). The results showed that cells could be measured with the same level of accuracy as a hemocytometer, and the two types of particles could be discriminated by size from differences in the intensity of scattered light.
Currently, the module is being improved, with the aim of making it even more versatile by increasing its processing capacity, expanding the range of detectable cells and particle sizes, and realizing the simultaneous measurement of multiple types of cells and particles using fluorescence. Since it is free to use for noncommercial purposes, it can be used by the scientific community and by elementary, junior high, and high schools, with the hope that it will help to expand interest in science.
Journal Information
Publication: HardwareX
Title: Low-cost automated cell counting module fabricated using CNC milling and soft lithography
DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2024.e00605
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